Mar 20 at 10:30 AM - Sale 2697 -

Sale 2697 - Lot 252

Estimate: $ 1,000 - $ 1,500
MARTIN LUTHER KING. After the March: An Open Letter to the American People. [11] pages, 10¾ x 8¼ inches, on 3 folding sheets, signed in facsimile by King; dampstaining and water damage to inner margin, rust at staples. No place, circa April 1965

Additional Details

"A righteous man has no alternative but to refuse to cooperate with an evil system."

King issued this message to consolidate the gains of the recent Selma to Montgomery march. It is a powerful example of King's rhetoric: "Faced time and time again with crucified aspirations of Negro people . . . I came to see that Governor Wallace and the political power structure of Alabama have left us with no other alternative . . . He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it. So in order to be true to one's conscience a righteous man has no alternative but to refuse to cooperate with an evil system." Includes two pages of illustrations showing the march and two of its martyrs, Jimmie Lee Jackson and Viola Liuzzo.